Bunch of Thoughts on Yeh Meri Family

I finished watching Yeh Meri Family by the TVF Qtiyapa . The show is also available on the popular online streaming portal, Netflix. Here’s my quick take on the series –
1. This show has been created considering the consumers, viewers who have crossed 20+ years of their lives, who have just grown up with the digital space. What the media-academic nerds would call them, digital natives. Born in 90s India, this generation (including yours truly) grew up without leaving behind any footprints.
2. Let me elaborate, if a kid born in today’s generation shares his daily update on the social platforms and in a way leaves footprints of his or her existence.
3. What people from my generation have are memories and photographs of their childhood clicked by others, rarely by themselves.
4. Take for example `Stranger Things’. A show sets in America in the 1980s. Mind you, and digital age began early in the American Dreams. Naturally, their point-of-nostalgia for their TG started early.
5. One may find that these comparisons are overstretched and unnecessary, but considering the prominent place of these contents in our ever-changing lives, we should dig deeper than usual.
6. Looking forward, DO NOT get surprised if you witness more shows showcasing 1980s or 1990s. It is just a hypothesis based on assumptions, not a catharsis of any study.


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