Media should be bias or not  ?
Media is a medium of communication, however people working in media who have all the feelings, emotions ,attachment with different things which may peep in their delivering the message , so generally media has some opinions but central media generally prefers balanced opinion .Bias is being favorable to something because you have a special interest in it. For example, if someone asks you where is the best place to get an ice cream  ? You're going to recommend "naturals " because you work there.
In certain cases media houses has their agenda for example times of India is considered as pro establishment and Indian express is considered as anti establishment paper. Generally their attitude towards looking at news changes accordingly. Truth can be viewed in different angles for an example news is boy gets hardcore punishment in school and if teacher is Muslim and student is Hindu then some may give news as muslin teacher gave brutal punishment to Hindu boy. If religion gets mentioned in the news audience will look at the news with different angle , news is same only angle has changed. According to above example there should not be any bias in the news because news is suppose to tell about the event to people in balanced manner.
Editorial is the page where ideology of a newspaper reflects .Editorial has to have some opinions which will increase audience understanding towards the subject and will give audience to compare similar situation and boost their thinking. Editorials in pre independence era in India  are used to educate people , unite then against British rule. Editorial has to have opinion , strong logical explanation about the proposed logic to rationalize belief 
Feature  is something different where you have to give your opinion this might be extreme .In feature writer is expected to show different angle .In this bias is considered as different perception or look out of story. Media consider this points before publishing any kind of story .Media must understand its audience before setting particular agenda for their media house
Media specifically news media is considered to have social responsibility to educate people .In country like India where literacy rate is low news media should give balanced not sensitive news. Editorial must guide people about the major happening , show them different perspective.
